Aesir Chronicles: Fates of Breakout
MAR-A2 Pulse Rifle
Valkyrie Cadre, or the Valkyrie Corps is the Matriarchate’s premiere all-female special forces unit. The secretive Cadre operates outside the authority of the regular feline army as the Matriarch’s personal weapon against any threats deemed too ‘sensitive’ for the regular army. This includes assassination-, infiltration-, espionage-, sabotage and force reconnaissance missions. The Valkyrie candidates are “drafted” directly from the battlefield or as young war orphans. Most of the prospect unit members are afterwards declared missing.
Equipped with the best technology the Matriarchate has to offer, the valkyrie operatives are encased in unique battle-suits. They have also been augmented with genetic engineering and various combat drugs, resulting in accelerated metabolism, keen reflexes and vastly superior combat performance. Other “improvements” include artificial, nano- fibre muscle tissue and reinforced bone structure.
At the final stages of the Battle of Midgård, Valkyries Mist and Eris rappel down from the ventilation shaft to attack a canine command post in a lightning raid.
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