Gray 55-27 is a call-sign for an individual Raven Syndicate trader. This individual travels the wild reaches of the world, seeking new hopeful to join the syndicate. Like 55-27, these “Gray’s” often trade with the locals, offering various technical appliances in exchange for artisanry and other exotic items. Having met a suitable hopeful, These traders often demand a so-called “offering” in exchange for a traveling ticket. An offering can be of any item of value, proof, a proof the applicant’s will and witts to survive abroad.
These traders wear gray cloaks and visor that covers their faces, offering a degree of anonymity. Their prefered mode of transportation is a terraglider, of which to load crates of cargo as they travel between the various settlements.

55-27 takes Rixli away from Tiklata village on a journey to Midgård aboard his terraglider.

Gray leaves an assortment of items for Rixli to sell and to prove himself as an aspiring merchant, before departing to meet up with his contact, Tatl, in the Canine enclave below. Gray 55-27 and Tatl later meet in the canine sector hangar bay. The two are tasked to work together and acquire the Headpiece of Thoth, a valued saurian hairloom. As the night breaks, a chaos suddenly erupts in the city, as the local feline populace suddenly turns on the resident canines. As the initial shock vanes, Gray and Tatl decide to capitalize on the needs of the canids and make money of it, by selling them improvised weapons. This plan however soon backfires, as their desperate canines simply loot their wares.
Afterwards, Rixli reunites with the trader. While they escape from Midgård, Gray is separated from the others, as the corridors collapses between then.
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