
The Felines, or Fel are a proud warrior race, genetically attuned to the art of war and progress. The feline race favours cutting-edge technology to the point of obsession, accepthing nothing less than a masterwork. The genus consist of a number of smaller sub-groups. These include the brute Smilodons and Saber Tigers, the army’s backbone Panthers, Leopards and the fleet-footed Cheetah.

While fiercely protective of their own kind and extremely loyal to the ruling Feline Matriarchate, some have nonetheless turned their support to the renegade Crystal Guard cultists. The Crystal Guard felines have since begun to wage a guerilla war upon the Matrarchate’s loyalist faction.

Overlooking the other races generally runs deep in their blood, more as a racial “feature” than a choice of mind. The race’s innate sense of superiority and adamant quest for perfection often tends to make them understimate their adversaries. This brilliant mindset is also the driving force behind their successive image as a unified, although expansionist race. Economically, the combined might of the Fel forms the strongest economy on the planet, with a strong emphasis for powerful corporate umbrellas.


Before the war, the felines were unknowingly under the watchful eye and influence of the guardian deity Kagutsuchi and the Crystal Guard. However, as a result of their Matriarch’s actions, the feline people, along with other races, are freed from the yoke of the Aesir race. This may unleash a global conflict known as the Great Race War.


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