Temple Cruiser
Plasma Staff
Crystal Guard is a planet – wide religious order. They are responsible for upholding the previously mandatory worship of the primary aesir deities. The pantheon of Kagutsuchi, Tsukiyomi and Hoori. The Crystal Guard also performs ceremonial rites, public prayers and soul consignments. Behind the benign public face, they hide their darker agenda from the population. The Crystal Guard possesses a wing of armed Temple Cruisers and other aircraft. Their call is to restore order in the event of an uprising. During the Great Race War, the Cultists were armed with plasma staffs. The organization is led by an individual only referred to as the ‘High Priestess’ Most of the cultist’s ranks are made of the purple-clad clones of the High Priestess
They maintain a multitude of both public and secret temples and shrines across Thyra. They are located anywhere from the Spelheim desert to the Fensalir Evermire. The shrines are connected by a series of biforst- teleportation portals. The location of the group’s headquarters is unknown to the world at large. It is only referred to as the Temple Prime.

Following the matriarch’s rousing speech, the local cultists are ambushed and overrun by armed feline mobs.

The Cultists reinforcements attack Midgård during the onset of the Great Race War, battling a faction of armed felines near the Andlang Citadel.
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