That’s right, the official Aesir Chronicles YouTube channel is up and running! Make sure to check it out right now and be super-sure to subscribe for more of the exciting future content. The Aesir Chronicles Fates of Breakout – Comic Trailer has also been released, look for it here.
Breakout News
The first webstore of the Aesir Chronicles merchandise merchandise has landed! Follow the link and check out our opening sales at spreadshirt. Check out all the shirts, hoodies mugs, bags and much more! Remember to claim the 15% slash offer from all of our products.
The final volumes of the Aesir Chronicles Breakout comic. In volumes 3-4, a prospect Rixli and a merchant Tatl join in to seek their fame and fortune. A combined, full-quality digital copy of volumes 1-4 will also be available on sale soon, including pages of bonus content! Read more at […]
Today, the Stormtale Creations officially announces the development of the Aesir Chronicles BREAKOUT, the first in line of the Aesir Chronicles series of games. Platform free and turn- based multiplayer game, Breakout pits the players against each other over control of the game arena by attempting to trap the opponent […]