Stormtale Creations Ltd proudly presents her first flagship Saga. The Aesir Chronicles multimedia franchise. Enter now the enticing fantasy world of Thyra, where good and evil, truth and lie are but a point of view. It is a world where nothing is for what it first seems. A canvas, where the brushes of its fate intertwine in an unexpected ways. Cast yourself now into the expansive realm of Thyra through many of its diverse characters and factions of the Aesir Chronicles universe!
From the mountains of Jotunheim to the sands of Spelheim Desert. The new adventure will always be with you in the Aesir Chronicles-universe!
The Aesir Chronicles franchise Entails:
- Over 20 complex & evolving main characters. Such as the enigmatic Skuld and behind it all, the veiling mystery of the Aesir!
- Six different Races. Each with several sub-groups each!
- Several competing factions like the Feline Matriarchate and the Canine Coalition!
- Seamlessly interweaving storytelling, combining multiple Eras and takes of perspective!
- Diverse world to explore, ranging from the searing desert lands to the freezing mountains, deep into the massive forests and even more!
- Difficult topics, such as the racial oppression, dictatorship, poverty and inequality!
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